突然之间心情低落 不知所措
All of a sudden, I'm depressed, I don't know what to do
Suddenly found love this game I can not afford to play
不出现 不打扰 是我最后爱你的方式
Don't show up, don't disturb is the last way I love you
我现在很听话 没谈恋爱 也没等你
I am very obedient now, not in love, nor waiting for you.
表情可以掩饰 可难过不会说谎
You can hide your face, but you can't lie about your sadness
好像什么都来得及 好像什么也无能为力
It's like there's nothing I can do
抱歉 你喜欢的样子我没有
I'm sorry I didn't do what you liked.
放弃你这件事 我从来没有说话算数过
I've never kept my word about giving up on you
能有什么办法 失去和拥有都由不得我
It's not up to me to lose or have
I grabbed your hand hard, too
又能怎样 还能怎样 还会怎样
So what? What else? What else
我还是想你 在每一个消极无望的夜晚
I still want you to spend every nagative, hopeless night
The things that moved me falled me again and again
Treally don't have the strength to like people anymore
哭着喊你名字 难道我还不够委屈吗
Isn't it enough for me to cry and call your name
如果万事难开头 那请结局一定要圆满
If everything is difficuit to begin with, please have a bappy ending
Those who left just didn't like it